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Chemical Peels for Melasma

If you're a woman, it's likely that you've experienced melasma or currently have the condition, although you may not be familiar with its medical term. Melasma is a discoloration of the skin, most commonly seen on the forehead, cheeks and upper lip. Melasma is caused by hormones and can worsen significantly during pregnancy, when taking birth control and through sun exposure. While women often see a reduced appearance in their dark spots when limiting the time they spend exposed to UV rays, melasma is recurring and can become permanent over time.
If you currently have dark skin discolorations on your upper lip, forehead, cheeks or nose, and you wish to reduce or eliminate these, there are a range of professional treatments available to you. Your doctor may prescribe a skin bleaching cream or steroid hormones, but melasma can be very stubborn and these treatments will not work for everyone.

Our Melasma Treatments


This technique strips away the surface layers of the epidermis to remove dead skin cells and reveal a brighter, smoother and a more even complexion. In dermatological offices, the sand crystals used for microdermabrasion treatments are blasted in a concentrated beam against the skin to remove it in layers, similar to how a chemical peel strips away the layers of your skin. At home, microdermabrasion is highly effective for smoothing skin, and regular sanding treatments will help to prolong the effects of chemical peels.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels can range from very light- to deep-level, and treatments applied at regular intervals will show the greatest improvements over time. Our strongest peel, the TCA in a 25 percent concentration, is highly effective in treating a range of skin conditions even with just one application.

For first-time peelers, we recommend starting with an ultra-light peel to help you familiarize yourself with the process of applying the acid and then neutralizing it. An 85 percent lactic acid peel offers similar benefits to an at-home microdermabrasion treatment, and is a great in-between solution for those looking to prolong the results of deeper peels.

A light glycolic peel is a great next step up from this. Glycolic peel acid particles are the smallest among all acid particles, which allows them to penetrate the epidermis quickly and easily. Glycolic peels work on the surface and from within, and the depth at which they peel can be controlled with the time left on the skin. This is what makes them ideal for even beginner users; a 20 percent glycolic peel can be used confidently on most skin types and complexions. We offer glycolic peels in four concentrations.

Following a light-level glycolic peel, your skin may be slightly pink but little to no actual peeling will occur. A glycolic peel can significantly reduce the appearance of melasma over time. Users generally see the most dramatic improvements with eight to ten treatments, a full course that's available with just one purchase.

If you wish to see more dramatic results for melasma or other skin conditions, including those most commonly associated with aging, try a TCA peel. We offer TCA peels in three concentrations, all of which are recommended for experienced peelers only.
While TCA peels are a very safe option when used correctly, we strongly advise against choosing this level peel if you're not yet familiar with the process. Try a lighter level peel, such as a glycolic, to acquaint yourself with application, the level of discomfort you'll feel and how your skin will respond in the hours and days afterward.
Each of our peels are shipped with detailed instructions regarding application and neutralization. A non-greasy post-peel moisturizer designed to nourish and hydrate even the thirstiest skin is recommended.

TCA peels are capable of combating even the most stubborn skin problems. Our strongest TCA peeling solution will result in heavy peeling with three to seven days of downtime. When you are done peeling, you'll find that years have disappeared from your skin, along with lines, uneven discoloration, shallow scarring and more.
The best chemical peel for melasma will be one that can penetrate the upper layers of your skin effectively to reveal the new skin underneath. The cumulative of a light-level peel will allow you to see significant improvements to skin discoloration after several treatments. A deep-level TCA peel can reveal a new you in just one treatment.

By protecting yourself from the sun with a daily protective moisturizer and avoiding prolonged exposure to UV rays, you can significantly minimize a range of skin problems, including melasma. It's never too late to incorporate sun protection into your skin care routine. This is especially true if you are interested in using chemical peels to treat your skin conditions. Applying sunscreen 20 minutes prior to leaving your home and wearing a hat or using an umbrella will help you to minimize exposure to the UV that's responsible for melasma, age spots, wrinkles and skin cancer.